Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): piracy, streaming and other featured topics.

Apparently, the European Commission commissioned a study to find out what the impact of piracy on music sales, books, video games and movies.

However, the study was never shared by the institution, supposedly the fault of the obtained results.

Allegedly, this study, of 304 pages, filed on 2015 and which cost approximately 360 thousand euros, revealed no impact of piracy on sales.

"In general, the results show no strong statistical evidence of revenue deviations caused by copyright violations online. This does not necessarily mean that piracy has no impact but the statistical analysis does not prove with sufficient reliability that there is a cause and effect. "

Is in the air the hypothesis that the study has been intentionally muffled, since it also concludes that illegal downloads and streams can even increase the legal gaming revenues. The only negative link between piracy and falls of this revenue in the report is in the movies.

The study has now been published by Julia Reda, European Parliament member representing the German Pirate Party, and who published this study in his personal blog.

No campo musical, os números da Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), official representative of the US record labels, show that the streaming is already the largest source of revenue for the music industry.

The North American market is growing and this is due to services like Spotify, o YouTube e o Apple Music. The vinyl also feature a growing trend, however the record CDs follow a downward trend.

Indeed, digital already hit the hardware in the whole world of music with emphasis on streaming. In 2016, for the first time in history, streaming generated more revenue for the North American music industry than any other forms of distribution. And the trend is that this difference increases.

The industry video games is the most suffering, for good and for bad, with technological innovations.

Always subject of debate is the durability of any generation consoles.

Now, the renowned analyst Michael Pachter predicts that Sony will remove the Playstation4 market up 2020, at which time the company will only PlayStation 4 Pro be marketed.

The current generation of consoles was the first in which industry decided to move away from standardization, toward a model upgrades means, in Sony's case the company did succeed to your PS4 more powerful PS4 Pro.

This strategy has consequences for producers, who continue to have the basic models as a minimum for the development of their games, for players, who are now divided into different categories, of course, will have consequences for the inevitable generational transition, in other words, when the time comes to present the PlayStation 5, for example.

Now, Michael Pachter, who has long pointed to the launch of PS5 2020, predicted that by then, Sony will no longer have the base model PlayStation 4 in circulation, selling only PlayStation 4 Pro.

It remains to be seen whether this theory becomes reality.

a poll held at London Gatwick Airport has revealed the ten films most seen by passengers during long plane trips.

The most viewed film is "The Best Bachelorette Party", comedy 2011 com Kristen Wiig e Melissa McCarthy.

In the first places of the list we also find two other comedies, "The hangover" (2009) and "A Father in law of the Worst" (2000), but also classics like "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994) or "Forrest Gump" (1994) and action films as "Jason Bourne" (2016).

The study also revealed that 11% of respondents admitted that they have cried watching a movie during your trip, with the men to do it more often than women!

Here is the complete list of the ten most viewed films in air travel, ordered from the first to the tenth: "The Best Bachelorette Party", "The hangover", "An in-Law's Worst", "The Shawshank Redemption", “Jason Bourneâ€, “Forrest Gumpâ€, "Groundhog Day", "Bridget Jones's Diary", "A Woman's Dream" and "Slumdog Millionaire?".

E end, the usual movie suggestion.

Featured in the film "Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles", with Bruce Willis in the lead role.

Comedy and thriller are the two genres that come together in this film, que tem como título original “Once Upon a Time in Veniceâ€, and which is held by Mark Cullen.

John Goodman and Jason Momoa flank Bruce Willis, in "Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles", plays Steve Ford, It is a private detective who has seen better days and whose personal and professional lives collide when your pet beloved pet Buddy is stolen by a notorious gang.

As far as a man is able to go to meet with your canine companion?


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