Alentejo: Prohibited watering gardens, filling swimming pools and washing cars in fifteen locations.

Fifteen locations in the Alentejo, Five Beja district, They will have immediate restrictions on water use. reduced reserves leads to prevention measures. Fish of reservoirs do Divor and Pego do Altar can be transferred.

Fifteen locations in the Alentejo will have to reduce urban water consumption immediately. With the country in a worrying drought – mainly in the Sado basin -, will be mandatory reduce watering of gardens and vegetable gardens, It will be prohibited filling swimming pools and washing cars, and should be closed the decorative fountains in Alcacer do Sal locations, Aljustrel, Alvito, Ferreira do Alentejo, Grândola, Santiago do Cacém, Sines, Viana do Alentejo, Almodovar, Castro Verde, Redondo, Alandroal, Arraiolos, Arronches and Borba. Authorities that will have from today meetings with the Environmental authorities to put in place measures.

This was one of the decisions of the Standing Committee of Prevention, Monitoring and Tracking the Effects of Drought yesterday met for the first time and approved several measures for prevention and control of water management that exists in national reservoirs, who are, mostly, increasingly empty: according to data from Monday's -feira 16 reservoirs with reserves of 40% or less of its capacity.

“The situation is increasingly worrisome day, mainly in the Sado basin, but it seems clear that we have solution for it”, said the Minister of the Environment, João Matos Fernandes. The Daily News (DN) the ruler safeguarded that despite the current drought is the worst since 1995 “will not miss all taps. There are no restrictions for human consumption. By the way priorities are set: first human, after animals, agricultural irrigation and swimming pools, washes etc.”. And reminded that the Alqueva dam is to give help – because of its links to dams in the Alentejo region – that the impact of the drought is not as visible in its area of ​​influence.

João Matos Fernandes explained that are being made holes in Odemira, Arraiolos, Notice, Fight, Alandroal Mértola and to improve the supply to the population and was made an investment 510 million euros in pre-booking tankers in case of being necessary to take water to the most isolated supply systems.

The Ministry of Agriculture said, However, which in October will be distributed 400 million to all farmers because of the anticipation, authorized by the European Commission, of the Common Agricultural Policy payments.

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