Canyons: Parish Council elected at the third meeting.

The Barrancos Parish Council was created yesterday, but with unforeseen result for the Board of the Parish Assembly.

According to the blog “EstadodeBarrancos”, the Parish Assembly at the third meeting held yesterday, approved, majority, with eight votes in favor and one vote against, the list with the names of the two vowels, presented by the chairman of the board, Pica Idalia.

In consequence, the parish council of Barrancos is formally constituted, Parish executive body, with the following constitution: President – Idália Noel Baleizão Pica (CDU), Vowels – Jacinto Roque Costa (CDU) and Nélia Maria Vitorino Neves Valério (PSD/CDS).

in the same session, after the assembly is reconstituted, with the entry of the members who went to replace the two vowels of the board, the election of the table was carried out, two lists were presented: A list (PS) and list B (CDU), which, after the vote the following result was recorded: List A – four votes; List B – three votes. There was a white vote and a null vote.

in the face of the result, the Bureau of the Parish Assembly, changed to the following composition: President – Florbela Domingas Lopes Caldeira (PS), secretaries – Ilda da Conceição Berjano Abbot Baleizão (PS) and Filipe José Barrocal Marcelo (PS).

The election of secretaries, making possible the governance of the parish council, that was blocked since last day 16, start date of term 2021/2025, avoiding mid-term elections in March 2022.

On the question of the meeting table, where it appeared that there had been prior consensus, a result was recorded that left out the majority party (CDU), the table being all monocolor (PS).

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