São Silvestre is a sporting event, community and solidarity, promoted and organized by Beja City Council and which takes place this Friday, day 27 of December.
This initiative will count on the technical and arbitration collaboration of the Beja Athletics Association and the support of several partners and local institutions..
In this edition, the income from the charitable donation linked to the registration process, whether for the race or the walk, will revert in full to the Social Cultural and Recreational Center of Bairro da Esperança.
Routes and distance
The young São Silvestre tests, start at 7pm, on routes identified for this purpose, according to the respective age groups.
The non-competitive walk begins at 7:30 p.m., departing from Rua Gomes Palma, passage through several arteries of the city over a distance of 5 km. This activity will be guided.
The São Silvestre race, competitive test, starts at 8pm with departure on Rua Gomes Palma, and will take place in a closed circuit, covering a distance of 10km, according to age groups.
Source: City of Beja