Beja: With the new skills transfer law chambers will have to create Municipal Police.

With the entry into force, at most 2021, da Lei n.º 50/2018, of 16 August, establishing the skills transfer frame to local authorities and intermunicipal organizations, Municipalities, They will be required to create a Municipal Police Force.

The new law (LEI 50-2018) known as “Skills Transfer Central Administration”, and in accordance with Article 27- public parking, which states that: “It is the responsibility of the regular municipal bodies, supervise, examining and determining road contraordenacionais procedures for parking on public roads and spaces within towns, other than those intended for parks or parking areas”, ceases to belong to the PSP and GNR issuing offenses in the above road offenses.

Municipalities have until tomorrow, 15 of September, to communicate to the Government accepting the entry into force of the law 2019, but will have to accept its entry into 2021, after the approval of the respective legislation of sector-wide, agreed with the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities, under article 44 of Law 50/ 2018.

When the new law takes effect, and to address the compliance with Article 27, Municipalities are required to create their own bodies Municipal Police, in order to respond to the situation created by the entry into force of the law passed in 16 August.

This was determined by Lidador News (LN) following a contact with the Traffic Police Station PSP Beja, to clarify the situation of illegal parking of the National Highway bus, in car parks at the Court of Less and Family and Work and on the ground where will be built the new Palace of Justice.

In a first assessment of the situation, the Mayor of Beja, Paul Arsenio, explained that “for cameras as the size as our, It is an untenable situation. It is unaffordable financially create a municipal police body”, justified.

Remember that today, 14 of September, a partir the 18,00 hours, by application lodged by the Unitary Democratic Coalition, held in the Great Hall of the Civil former Government building, an extraordinary session of the Beja Municipal Assembly, with the following Agenda:
1. - Public intervention period (Article 49 of Law No. 75/2013, of 12 of September);
2. - Day order (Article No. 53 of Law No. 75/2013, of 12 of September);
2.1. - Resolution on the transfer of powers in the year 2019 specified in paragraph a) do nº 2, Article 4 of Law No. 50/2018, of 16 August - Framework Law of skills transfer to Local Government and to the Inter-municipal entities.


In a statement the municipality of Vidigueira already made public its position and statement said that: “In the interests of the municipality and the population, the municipality of Vidigueira will not accept, in 2019, the transfer of powers from central government, as established by Law No.. 50/2018, considering the conditions for its implementation in such a short time are not met.

Besides, By far not been published regulatory ordinances, the municipality is not aware yet, in concrete, the matters to transfer, the respective financing and the conditions and implications associated with respect to the management of equity and human resources.

This decision thus aims to prevent the municipality accepts commitments still unknown and can become overloaded charges without adequate funding”.

Teixeira Correia


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