Beja: Solidarity Account for firefighters' self-ladder near the 30 thousand euros.

The solidarity account "Volunteer Firefighters of Beja-Autoescada" is this Friday at the 30 thousand euros, less than one after the initiative has been placed on the ground. Deputy Pedro do Carmo says that “there is a solution in sight”.

The campaign that the group called “Amigos dos BVBeja” is promoting registers fifty percent of the 60 thousand euros needed to repair the Escada Vehicle 30 (VE30), but the group's objective is to obtain the total budget for the repair of the vehicle.

The elements that make up the group of promoters of the campaign met last night and considered that the campaign “is proceeding at a good pace”., with contributions to live from all over the country. We believe it is possible to achieve the 60 thousand euros needed”, justified.

It is recalled that the “Amigos dos BVBeja” opened an account at Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Alentejo Sul, in Beja, with the IBAN: PT50 0045 6100 4035 9935 4924 8, where donations can be deposited, under the “Patronage Law” institutions/companies can enjoy a tax benefit in accordance with the decree-law that regulates the “Tax Benefits Statute”.

Pedro do Carmo (PS deputy): “Emergency ladder problem and help with solution in sight”.

The socialist elected by the district of Beja issued a statement where he says that as a deputy “I had the opportunity to be recently at the headquarters of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection and, after contacting representatives of the BVB humanitarian association, the problem solving process is guaranteed, with the observance of the rules of the good management of public money and the fulfillment of the criteria of equal treatment between corporations. Thus, ANEPC guarantees the payment of 30000 euros for the arrangement of the respective vehicle”, justified.

Pedro do Carmo added that “according to the Beja District Firefighters Federation, it has been out of order for 2 or 3 year old, pending a repair budgeted in 60 thousand euros, according to other sources, the inoperability has been happening since mid-June, no possibility of repair”, concluded.

Beja Fire Department clarifies the situation of the damage and inoperability.

Contacted by Lidador News, the Volunteer Fire Department of Beja, assured that “there are 2/3 year old, before the pandemic, the vehicle, that already had 20 years should have done a review, but given the current situation in the country, this was not possible. It was a review and not a malfunction.. The vehicle was not operational until late February and early March., that's when the budget was made (60.000 euros) and sent to the local authority and only then to ANEPC”, justified.

Support from the Chamber of Beja

At the meeting of the Intermunicipal Council of the Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo (CIMB), the Mayor of Beja, assumed that the autarchy “will share with 10 thousand euros” following a proposal made by Paulo Arsénio for the remaining twelve municipalities to share with the remaining 20 thousand euros, and that was not welcomed.

Last fire where Ladder Vehicle 30 (VE30) was used

It is recalled that last day 9 October 2021, the use of the VE30 was decisive in fighting the fire that broke out in the silos of Cooperativa Agrícola de Beja e Brinches, preventing the operatives who operated on the self-ladder that the flames spread to other places in the sunflower drying complex.

Teixeira Correia


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