The solidarity account “Volunteer Firefighters of Beja-Autoescada” surpassed this Thursday the barrier of 25 thousand euros, two weeks after the initiation was placed on the ground.
The campaign that the group called “Amigos dos BVBeja” is promoting registers almost fifty percent of the 60 thousand euros needed to repair the Escada Vehicle 30 (VE30), the only one in the region, and it's been broken for a few months.
As the official entities did not respond to the appeals of the Volunteer Firefighters of Beja, Bruno Ferreira, actor and comedian, Florival Baioa, historian and leader of the Beja Deserves Movement +, Manuel Conceição “Balito”, retired and former fire chief, Fernando and Luis Palma, farmers, decided to promote the raising of the necessary funds.
Last Friday, although without guarantees of funds to be made available by the Government, through the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority and the Municipalities of the district of Beja, through the Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo (CIMB), only with the support obtained so far in the solidarity campaign, the direction of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja (AHBVB) decided to repair the Escada Vehicle 30 (VE30) which has been inoperative for a few months.
Last Monday, the meeting of the Intermunicipal Council of CIMBAL was held, where it was agreed that “the greatest responsibility for the cost of repair should be with the Câmara de Beja and ANEPC and the remaining twelve municipalities should help in case the support obtained is not sufficient to carry out the repair”, said Antonio Bota, president of the institution.
In turn Paul Arsenic, Mayor of Beja assured that “the municipality will ensure 10 thousand euros and that the other municipalities do what they want”, concluded.
It is recalled that the “Amigos dos BVBeja” opened an account at Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Alentejo Sul, in Beja, with the IBAN: PT50 0045 6100 4035 9935 4924 8, where donations can be deposited, under the “Patronage Law” institutions/companies can enjoy a tax benefit in accordance with the decree-law that regulates the “Tax Benefits Statute”.
Contributions have arrived from all over the country, among anonymous citizens to companies or taxpayers, which lead us to believe that the amount to be collected in the solidarity account is sufficient to cover the total repair of the BVBeja motorway.
Teixeira Correia