Beja: JSD district pronounces on local airport versus Montijo.

The installation commission of JSD Distrital de Beja issued a statement in which it commented on the subject “Beja Airport”, making the presentation of three proposals for the viability of the infrastructure.

After manifesting on social networks, justifying that he marked "his stalwart position and in favor of using it", through your coordinator, the installation commission of JSD Distrital de Beja, maintains that it presented “several negative factors on the insistence on the part of the government of the construction and use of the airport of Montijo”.

But JSD District of Beja did not stop at the words and presented three proposals that it considered “favorable” both for the region and for the use of the airport: “Creation of a fund for the creation of infrastructures; Creation of more advantageous credit lines for young adult housing; Revitalization of the railway line ”.

The orange structure, under installation, says "believe" that these proposals "are not estimated at the value of 1,15 billion, that would be the investment for the construction of the airport of Montijo ”, justify.

To conclude that the most viable option "is undoubtedly Beja airport and we hope that we have facilitated the government's choice", hoping that Prime Minister António Costa and his government “go back on the decision and do not make the use of the Beja airport unviable, because, in addition to everything that was previously mentioned, Baixo Alentejo is also Portugal ”, Remata.

Teixeira Correia


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