Beja: Of the four arrested, on Thursday night, one is in preventive and three in freedom.

A detainee is in custody, waiting for the placement of the electronic bracelet to move house arrest and three released, by term of identity and residence, It was the decision of the Beja Court Justice, relating to detainees on Thursday night.

Four people were arrested Thursday night in Beja, Rua Afonso III, road linking Spain and Serpa to the capital district, in a joint operation between the Guardia Civil (Spain), a GNR e a PSP.

The four arrested, aged between 18 and 25 year old, They are traveling in two cars and went into Portugal by Rosal de la Frontera, persecuted by the Guardia Civil, who alerted the GNR.

The first car, um BWM, GNR was intercepted by a roundabout entrance Beja. The two occupants of the other car, to Volkswagen, It is realizing the presence of police entered the neighborhood of gravel pits, to try to escape, but they ended up “to lose” .

The GNR requested the cooperation of the PSP and the two men were eventually arrested in the Conception of the district area, a joint dam of two Portuguese security forces.

The arrest was made by GNR, having the suspects were taken to the premises of the Territorial Command Beja, in order to be interrogated. The vehicle is seized. Has learned the JN, before being arrested suspects “It is scrapped” a bag.

“It was a terrible apparatus. It was more than a dozen vehicles of the GNR and PSP. They blocked the street and took two handcuffed men”, JN told a witness to “dam” and possession.

In searches performed on vehicles, the military seized 1600 doses of cannabis, 182 doses of hashish, a total of 1666 euro cash and four mobile phones.

Detainees. with residences in Lisbon, They will be present in the Judicial Court of Beja, for the first judicial interrogation, Friday.

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