Trial opposing Crédito Agrícola Seguros to Sony Europe and Worten was scheduled for next March. The insurer requests compensation for 942.500 euros, due to house fire on Mingorra Farm.
The trial of the Civil case was scheduled for the beginning of March, the Court of Beja, after all judicial requirements have been met with the filing of the Initial Petition by the author (Agricultural Credit Insurance) and the Defendants' Contests (Sony Europe e words).
In 5 January 2023, Lidador Notícias revealed that Crédito Agrícola Seguros-Companhia de Seguros de Ramos Reais, SADDLE, filed a lawsuit in the Central Civil and Criminal Court of Beja against Sony Europe B.V.-Sucursal em Portugal and Worten-Equipamentos para do lar, SADDLE, where he demanded compensation for 942.500 euros, for the causes of the fire that broke out on the day 6 January 2020 and who destroyed a dwelling and its contents, located in Herdade da Mingorra, near the village of Trindade, in Beja county.
Given the suspicions as to the origin of the fire, inspectors from the Southern Directorate of the Judiciary Police were called to the scene. (PJ), who investigated the causes of the fire and in view of the conclusions of the investigation which indicated that the causes of the flames were linked to a domestic appliance.
After resolving the claim situation with your insured, Crédito Agrícola Seguros-Companhia de Seguros de Ramos Reales, SADDLE, filed a lawsuit to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred in repaying the assets that his client lost.
It is worth remembering that the alert for the fire was given by workers who went into service in the morning of the day. 6 January 2020, a Monday, everything points to the flames slowly consuming the interior of the house and spreading to the roof..
The space, property Henrique Uva, it was totally destroyed, without living conditions, as the flames did not reach a winery and wine tourism, located on the estate.
The house destroyed four years ago by fire, It's from the Uva family, and is part of a project founded in 2004, a total of 1.400 hectares comprising three properties: Homestead Mingorra, Agricultural Society of Barrinho and Herdade dos Pelados, where are vines plants, olive grove and almond grove, and a cellar, which are produced 14 products, based on planting 23 caste types.
Teixeira Correia