Beja: Investigated military suicide “bullying” homophobic Air Base 11.

The public prosecutor is investigating an alleged case of "bullying" over a homophobic military, of 23 year old, who committed suicide in March this year in the housing of Beja Air Base. Reported The News Journal (JN), in its online edition.

BEJA- BA11_800x800“It confirms the existence of an investigation. The same goes under the Public Ministry of Beja County”, said the Attorney General's Office, according to the revelation of JN, citing a written response sent, on Wednesday, Lusa.

Ricardo Lopes was found dead 5 March and, na height, some media reported that he was the victim of “bullying”, for being gay”, and enjoyment of the military target within, reasons which led, allegedly, to commit suicide to have reached its limit that night, during a celebration of squares club, when the psychological pressure have been taken “the extreme”.

Ricardo Lopes_800x800At the same time, Military sources advanced the Lusa, cited by JN, Ricardo Lopes belonged to the Air Base No. 6, no Montijo, but was assigned to the Air Base No. 11, in Beja, to enhance the effective that unit, due to carry out a military exercise, adding that the case was already being investigated by the Judicial Police Military (PJM).

Asked about the status of the investigation of PJM, the Ministry of National Defense (MDN) – who hierarchically depends on the PJM -, explained that the “investigating judge exarou this survey the dispatch "on judicial secrecy".

"In this regard we will not make any comment on the subject”, He justified the MDN, a written reply sent to the news agency of Portugal. the military, natural de Vila Chã, Barreiro county, found themselves at the service of the Portuguese Air Force since December 2012.

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