Beja: Municipality joined the awareness campaign for the rational use of water.

The Municipality of Beja joined a campaign promoted by the public company Águas do Alentejo, which calls for the rational use of water, under the heading "Water, using well, more people have ".

The public company Águas do Alentejo, in partnership with the Municipal Association for Public Water Management in Alentejo, is to promote, in 13 Lower Alentejo municipalities (a total of 17 which joined in Alentejo), an awareness campaign to appeal to the rational use of water, under the heading "Water, using well, more people have ".

The Alentejo faces this summer severe drought. Because water is an essential resource for life and our well-being, we will have to save and reuse more. Be aware, use water rationally. Remember that, with small gestures, You can save thousands of gallons of water that are essential to use or reuse for other purposes.


Reutilize sempre que puder. Não desperdice água durante a rega. Não lave o carro com a mangueira. Utilize um balde com água para lavar o seu quintal. Conserte fugas na canalização. Use a máquina de lavar roupa com a carga máxima. Lave os dentes com a torneira fechada. Não deixe a água a correr enquanto faz a barba.

Teixeira Correia


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