(Updated) Beja: Air Force officer (DOES) puts an end to life in their homes in the neighborhood Residential.
An Air Force officer, with the rank of Captain, He was found dead this morning in his room situated in the Barrio Residential Air Force, Old quarter German. The body of the officer will be veiled in Ourique and cremated tomorrow (Friday) Elvas.
The Captain M. M., Natural Ourique, head of the secretariat of the Headquarters Air Base (BA) 11, He was found dead in his residence located in District Residential Portuguese Air Force (FAP), next to the old club Sergeants (former German House).
Second it was possible to determine, the woman, about 40 year old, suffered from psychological conditions issues, having already attempted suicide in the past two months at least on three occasions.
The lack of official service was regarded as "strange and disturbing" which led to the Air Force has alerted the authorities about the 11.30 hours, that after forcing the bedroom door gave with his wife lifeless. The Lidador News (LD) He found that to put an end to life the woman ingested a high dose tablets.
A former military BA 11 who knew the officer and told LD that "it was a death foretold", regretting that the Air Force "did nothing to prevent", finished. Source of Public Relations of FAP told Lidador News that "does not comment on the case since it is a matter of personal citizen forum", justified our interlocutor.
The case was known when the Prime Minister came to the Business Center Building (Nerbe) to inaugurate the 32nd Ovibeja, which led to the PSP had to change your security device of the elements of the Criminal Investigation Police.
In the course of this year this is the third case involving military BA 11. The first was the defection of a military that was fighting the Islamic State, after the suicide of a military BA 6, no Montijo, within a ward of Beja Base, during an international exercise.
A BA 11 has as commander, from September 2013, Colonel Thierry Lopes. A military, still in service, LD told the officer "did not deserve these hazards. It was just the best commander who went through the last BA11 50 years", concluded.
The body of the officer was taken to the Medical-Legal Office of Beja Hospital, where autopsied. The body came to 16.00 hours for your homeland, Ourique, where it will be hidden until tomorrow morning, after being transferred to the Funeral Complex Elvas, where it will be cremated.
Teixeira Correia