Beja: Polytechnic has 506 vacancies 16 the four schools courses.

A slight increase in the number of vacancies marks the start, Thursday, the first phase of the national competition for access to higher education. The IPBeja has fewer vacancies than in 2015.

IPBeja_800x800No total, institutions opened 50 688 vacancies – more 133 than 2015, which represents a reversal in the downward trend of places that are stressed from 2011.

In the case of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, the 16 the four higher education courses have a total of 506 vacancies, least two than last year.

Agrarian School: 3 courses, vacancies 2016-95 and vacancies in 2015-93.

School of Education: 5 courses, vacancies 2016-150 and vacancies in 2015-154.

Of Technology and Management School: 6 courses, vacancies 2016-201 and vacancies in 2015-201.

School of Health Sciences: 2 courses, vacancies 2016-60 and vacancies in 2015-60.

Here vacancies for Higher Education

Teixeira Correia


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