Beja: Rotunda da BA11 ou “Cemetery of cars”.

Another accident at the roundabout of BA11, already dubbed “cemeteries of cars”. The number of claims has exceeded the thirty, but the conditions (in)security sound the same.

BEJA- RotundaBA11_800x800As the saying goes “We were up the rings but the fingers were”. It is the expression that best based for the most accident record in the rotunda of BA11, no IP2, the output of Beja in connection to Évora, where the result is significant damage to the passenger car, in which the driver was unhurt.

On site in addition to Beja Traffic Detachment military was an operating of the Plain Road photographing the vehicle and damage the protective rails, and identify the driver.

deaths will it take for the work to be completed and improved safety conditions ?

Teixeira Correia


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