BEJA: Speed ​​obligation to sign, "Created" transgressions, particularly for agricultural tractors.

Vertical signs posted at the AT 1045, linking the snow Standard, "FORCES" transgressions vehicles. Agricultural tractors or circulate over the speed limit or below required for signaling, in both cases transgression.

BEJA- EM1045- enlarged_800X800The Enterprise Development and Infrastructures of Alqueva (EDIA) admitted the mistake and will remove dozens of signs of obligatory circulation more than 40 kms/hour that were placed on various roads, a little bit all over Alentejo, mostly municipal and which caused agricultural tractors to always circulate in violation.

By highway code, These vehicles have a maximum speed limited to 40 kms/ hora. To comply with the signage, travel at excessive speed, circulating below what the sign indicates, they also run in transgression.

Also quadricycles, known as “para-reforms”, most of the time they circulate below the 40 kms/ hora, which also meant a transgression. The same situation of transgression is attributed to light passenger and freight vehicles that run at a low speed.

The situation was detected on Municipal Road (IN) 1045, in Neves (Beja), but the same is recurrent in many other locations in Alentejo, where EDIA installed irrigation channels for the secondary network and needed to build new roads.

After the situation has been detected, the Lidador News (LN) contacted Beja City Council, who is responsible for managing Municipal Roads, who said he was “unaware of the matter” and after contacting EDIA, responsible for placement, said that “the company will remove it as quickly as possible”, concluded.

In turn, EDIA's Public Relations Office, admitted to LN that “it was an error in launching the tender” and that the contractor who placed the signs “will change and correct the entire situation in a short space of time, in accordance with road legality”, remataram.

According to found the LN, in the specific case of MS 1045, and despite the situation of transgressions that the signaling created, Until now, no driver was fined.

Teixeira Correia


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