Beja: Parishes union Salvador and Santa Maria

The Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria will provide technological equipment to children, during the 3rd term of this school year.

The executive of the Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria decided to open the Health and Welfare Academy, in the old primary school of Bairro da Conceição so that children, that we need, can use a computer, internet and printer.

The measure comes within the scope of the 3rd academic period to have started with virtual classes due to the fact that the educational establishments are closed due to the pandemic Convid-19.

The União de Freguesias guarantees that "it will provide protective equipment to children", having António Ramos, president of the Union of Parishes, justified that the Academy will host, simultaneous, three children who “will be accompanied by an employee of the parish council and the space is open from 8 to 13 hours", finished.

Opened to 21 May 2018

The Parish Union of Salvador and Feira (UFSSM) inaugurated yesterday at the former School of the Conception of the district, in Beja, Health and Wellness Academy.

Installed at the Bairro da Conceição School, in Beja, the space is the result of a protocol that the Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira UFSSM signed with the City Council to provide space that was practically abandoned and in very poor condition. After the transfer of space, the União de Freguesias initiated a series of rehabilitation and conservation works.

At the Health and Wellness Academy, where various sports activities will take place, Cheers, training and workshops aimed mainly at the adult population. In this space will be promoted during periods of school breaks, activities aimed at children and young people.

To operate from 1 June 2018, Academia Saúde e Bem-Estar is available for use by customers or not from the Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira. Various sports activities take place in the space, Cheers, training and workshops aimed mainly at the adult population, some streamlined during periods of school breaks, activities aimed at children and young people.

Teixeira Correia


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