Castro Verde: Municipality develops local housing strategy.

The Municipality of Castro Verde is developing its Local Housing Strategy (ELH), a document framed in the “1st Law - Support Program for Access to Housing”.

It is managed by the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, I.P. and which aims to promote access to adequate housing for people who live in unworthy housing situations and who do not have the financial capacity to find a decent housing solution.

For the survey and diagnosis for the elaboration of the ELH of the Municipality of Castro Verde, it will be essential that all families residing in the municipality that are in housing shortage, fit in the housing conditions indicated above, and who do not have the financial means to face this condition, go to the municipal social services or the parish council, or communicate their situation by filling in the online form for the survey of housing needs in the municipality, available in

This identification is essential to allow these people/families, if they meet the criteria set out in the 1st Law Program, are framed in housing solutions within the scope of the Castro Verde Local Housing Strategy.

The 1st Law Program is aimed at all nationals or foreigners who have a certificate of registration as a community citizen or a valid residence permit in the national territory..

For more information about the 1st Law Program on the Housing Portal of the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, go toº-direito.

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