PSP: Beja District Command makes three arrests for offenses and attacks on officers.
Five people were arrested by the Bejas District Command of the PSP, three for aggression and offenses against law enforcement officers that occurred last week.
Justice: Journalists and Magistrates together today in Beja, for joint training action.
The Journalists Professional Card Commission (CCPJ), the Center for Judicial Studies (CEJ) and the Professional Training Protocol Center for Journalists (CENJOR) today promote a joint action for journalists and magistrates.
MĂ©rtola: Municipality distinguished with the Flag for the 14th time + Family Responsible.
The Municipality of MĂ©rtola was once again distinguished as the Most Family Responsible Local Authority by the Observatory of Family Responsible Local Authorities!
Almodovar: Authorities found a missing elderly man alive in the São Barnabé mountains.
Authorities found an elderly man alive. 87 year old, I suffer from Alzheimer's, who was reported missing in the town of SĂŁo Barnabas, in the municipality of Almodovar, revealed to Lidador NotĂcias source from GNR.
Castro Verde: New archive will operate in the former Ministry of Agriculture services building.
The new Castro Verde Municipal Archive will be installed in the former services building of the Local Support Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, on Rua Dom Afonso Henriques.
Agriculture: Blue Tongue Fever worries farmers and breeders in the Beja district.
Expansion of Catarrhal Sheep Fever, in Alentejo leads farmers from Baixo Alentejo to write to the Minister of Agriculture, expressing their “concern” regarding the “high losses” that the livestock sector is suffering with the accelerated progression of the new disease virus.