EMAS Beja: Company meets goal of reducing water losses.
In terms of actual losses, EMAS achieved a halve in two years, passing 97 to 48 liters / (day home extension), or that is equal to less 50,5%. Regarding ruptures with a reduction of 67% about 2017.
Mértola: Museum has new website.
Meet the different nuclei, the history of the museum project, your estate, the featured pieces, publications and educational work carried out.
CIMB: Closing of applications to the PANP of Baixo Alentejo.
Applications for the National Production Support Program have ended (Base Local) - Baixo Alentejo.
Business: Rui Nabeiro leads ranking of leaders with the best reputation.
Consultant OnStrategy analyzed the relevance, reputation and emotional and rational relationship of 100 business leaders in Portugal during the year 2020. Rui Nabeiro leads the table.
Beja: Historic Center with changes in car circulation.
Traffic changes were introduced during the implementation of Accessible Routes in the city of Beja, that take place in the Historic Center.
EMAS / Beja: Company maintains in-person service.
From this Monday day 25 January and until new date, EMAS will continue to maintain the face-to-face service that requires prior appointment.