Beja: Military GNR arrested nine people between 24 a 30 of September.
The GNR arrested in Beja district nine people in flagrant offense. Two for driving under the influence of alcohol and without a license. The military detected 12 offenses related to tachographs.
Beja: Arrests of GNR for driving under influence of alcohol, a scourge in the district.
The GNR arrested in Beja district eleven people in flagrant offense. Six for driving under the influence of alcohol and six without a license. The military detected 12 violations for lack of mandatory periodic inspection.
Odemira: Detained sexagenarian "cultivator" of cannabis.
A man of 60 year old, foreign nationals, resident in Odemira, He was arrested on Tuesday by soldiers of the Center for Criminal Investigation (NIC) da GNR they Odemira, Hair crime of drug trafficking.
Ervidel: seizure 400 kilograms of freshwater crayfish.
The Territorial Command Beja, by Section Nature Conservation and Environment, yesterday, 17 July, seized 400 kilos of crayfish, in Purple dam, in the town of Ervidel.
Beja: GNR arrested 10 people by driving up the influence of alcohol.
The GNR arrested in Beja district fifteen people in flagrant offense. Ten for driving under the influence of alcohol and three without a license. The military detected 51 for speeding offenses.
Serpa: Drug suppliers "Left Bank" held. One stayed in preventive.
Military Section of Information and Criminal Investigation (SIIC) Territorial Command Beja, They dismantled a group that was responsible for drug supply in the "Left Bank" of the River Guadiana, particularly around the municipality of Serpa.