Economy: Minister appealed to the Portuguese not to refuel vehicles in Spain.
Given the flight of Portuguese for Spanish service areas, Caldeira Cabral says Executive wants to work with industry associations. A deposit 50 liters and differences, after tax, reach up to 30 cents per liter between the two sides of the border, a motorist can save 15 euros per deposit.

In view of the drivers escape to Spain, especially at the border, Cabral said boiler Manuel, speaking to RTP, that the issue of competition "is a problem that concerns us, obviously, mainly at the level of border, because it has different tax conditions in Spain, and we have to look with concern that also corresponds to taxes that instead of being paid in Portugal are to be paid in Spain ".
Saying that the beyond the border side there is "a slightly lower tax rate", Economy Minister states that the price difference "means that many Portuguese are paying taxes in Spain and is something we have to first ask the Portuguese who do not do.
In second place, we have to work with industry associations and hear what proposals they have to present, and show already all the openness to listen and try to find solutions, but we are in a fiscal framework that is what it is and this is also budgetary framework that we will have to work throughout the country ".
A Anarec, association of fuel dealers, said that the Economic, before the price differences, the designated boundary line, distance that justifies the journey to fuel vehicles, already reached 100 km.
A deposit 50 liters and differences, after tax, reach up to 30 cents per liter between the two sides of the border, a motorist can save 15 euros per deposit. In a gasoline car, with consumption 5 liters / 100 km, This differential allows go about 250 km.
Portuguese Economy Minister asks the Portuguese not refueled in Spain.
From the past 12 February, Portugal is in force in the tax on gasoline and diesel with 6 cents per liter.
Minister of Economy of Portugal, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, I called today to the Portuguese do not refuel in neighboring Spain because the “budgetary context” Luso can be resent if low tax collection.
Pouring gasoline in Spain “many Portuguese are paying taxes in Spain.
We need to ask the Portuguese who do not”, dijoCaldeira Cabral, in statements issued by the public channel RTP TV. Many Portuguese travel daily to neighboring Spain, country with which Portugal has about 1.200 kilometers of land border, in particular with the autonomous communities of Andalusia, Estremadura, Castilla y León, y Galicia.
“We are concerned about the issue of competition in the border. Portugal has different tax conditions to Spain and we have to worry. taxes, rather than being paid in Portugal, They paid in Spain, where a slightly lower rate”, the minister said.
“We are in the budgetary context which is what is… And you have to work with him throughout the country”, He recalled Caldeira, alluding to a drop in tax collection may help to break the rigid rules of deficit demanded by the European Union (EU).
From the past 12 February, It is in force in Portugal the tax on gasoline and diesel with 6 cents per liter, rate that generated the protest of fuel suppliers and transport industry.
Each fuel euro, a 70 % They are tax, spokesmen have denounced the sector. In Spain the rate is too high, although 10 percentage points lower than in Portugal. “We must work with industry associations and hear what proposals they have are. We are open to listening”, the minister said.
Source: Today is