EDIA: Agricultural Yearbook of Alqueva / 2016, is now available online.

The Alqueva Agricultural Yearbook of 2016, publication that publishes edia for the second consecutive year, is now available online.

The publication of this Yearbook aims to allow access of farmers to technical and economic information on the crops grown in the area of ​​influence of Alqueva.

In about 170 pages, is systematized information from various cultures, economic profitability, as well as the analysis of the varying trends in national and international markets.

The preparation of this Yearbook results from the collection of information on cultures from experts, producers in the region, Document information, articles and published literature and made available by the various sector entities. Available in http://www.edia.pt/pt/o-que-fazemos/apoio-ao-agricultor/anuario-agricola-2015/225 .

One of the instruments used in the preparation of the Yearbook is SISAP, Support System Determination of Cultural Fitness Soil, an application developed by EDIA and the Higher Institute of Agronomy, which allows assess the technical feasibility, economic and environmental dimensions of a particular culture in the plot chosen by the farmer, or, in a broader sense, applying this research to the entire area served by the Purpose of Development Multiple Alqueva.

This work is subject to annual updates in order to incorporate the changes that have come to verify.

It is recalled that the Alqueva project completed in 2016 installing 120 thousand hectares of irrigated land provided, lying all the area available for irrigation campaign 2017.

Simultaneously edia is developing projects for the installation of more 47 hectares, corresponding to the expansion of the project in the border areas, pending the decision of funding from the European Investment Bank under the Junkers plane.

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