EDIA: Company offers map data for free.
The Enterprise Development and Infrastructures of Alqueva (EDIA), makes available, free, their geographical data, as promoter in the space venture.
In order to participate in promoting economic and social development of the Alqueva space, EDIA makes available, free, their geographical data.
Often sought by the beneficiaries and investors Development of Multiple Purposes of Alqueva, for the implementation of agricultural projects, the data now available free of charge include orthophotomaps and altimetry.
This is extremely useful information to multiple levels as, for example, in running a farm, planning, in building ratings, among other applications.
This data can be reallocated and used for any purpose, since certain conditions cumpram, including information about your home and property and on any changes that have been made, among others.
The Alqueva data can be downloaded from the site edia, in the area of ​​support to farmers: http://www.edia.pt/pt/o-que-fazemos/apoio-ao-agricultor/dados-alqueva/222