Education: Class sizes will be smaller. The measure covers TEIP schools.

The Government will reduce the maximum number of students per class next school year. For now, the measure only covers about a thousand schools TEIP (Educational Territories of Priority Intervention) no existing country. After, It will be extended.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, issued on Tuesday morning, the idea is to implement a reduction in the maximum number of students per class in a way “progressive”. That is why, the measurement starts at the beginning of next school year (2017/2018) only “at the beginning of every cycle of primary and secondary education” of the thousand schools TEIP (Educational Territories of Priority Intervention) no existing country, covering a universe of “next to 200 thousand students”. In the following academic, there will be an increase in this universe.

“The positive correlation between class size and school success takes into account a number of studies, National and international, value which incidentally is reinforced in the case of students in disadvantaged socio-economic background more”, justified, so, the Ministry of Education why the measure starts in the universe of schools TEIP.

According to the statement of the Trusteeship, classes will now have “pre dimensions 2013”, in other words, will now have a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 28 students. Currently, classes may be between 26 and 30 students.

For the Ministry of Education, the process of reducing the number of students per class is, so, “an important step in the group of promoting academic success of policies”, and “potentiating improving learning”.

Characterization Program

The Third Territorialization Program Policies Educational Priority Intervention (TEIP3) was created by the Normative Order of the Minister of Education, of 25 September 2012, comes in the wake of TEIP2 Program and other measures to help the poorest people and in response to the needs and expectations of students. resumes, also, Territories for Education Program Priority Intervention created by Order No. 147-B / ME / 96, of 1 August.

From the school year 2012/2013 was, so, the Third Program of Educational Territories for Priority Intervention relaunched, materialized in the extension of the Program to more groupings of schools.

The Program TEIP (Tape Lista) It is being developed in 137 groupings, distributed by 5 Regional Education Boards: 49 not North, 11 no Center, 49 Lisbon and Tagus Valley, 17 Alentejo and 11 no Algarve.

In the 1st stage TEIP program started in 35 groupings, and the Ministry of Education, under the Education Policy measures, set the universe 100 Groupings such as goal to achieve. Including more 24 Clustered in the 2nd phase and 45 in 3rd enlargement phase of the program, making a total of 104, allowed to achieve and even exceed the stated goal.

They are objectives central to TEIP3 program: Improving the quality of learning translated into the educational success of students, Combating indiscipline, early school leaving and absenteeism, Create conditions for educational guidance and the qualified transition from school to active life and Promote the articulation between the school, the social partners and training institutions in the educational area.

Teixeira Correia


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