EMAS: Company integrated the cyber defense exercise "CIBER Pers 2016".

EMAS at the invitation of "Lab UbiNET – Computer Security and Cybercrime "the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, participated in cyber defense exercise "CIBER 2016 pers", carried out by the Portuguese Army, and took place between 7 and 10 November 2016.

cyber perseu_800x800The CIBER perseu exercise 2016 We aimed to exercise and evaluate the responsiveness of the Army against the occurrence of cyberattacks, national or international.

In total they were involved over 40 entities from various sectors such as Banking, Energy, Communications among others, and in the water sector in conjunction with the EMAS participated in this exercise in "Attack the Supply System and Water Distribution", a AGDA – Alentejo Public Water, S.A, e a EDIA – Enterprise Development and Infrastructure of Alqueva, SADDLE.

The participation of EMAS in the exercise was very beneficial, it possible to identify the strengths of response processes and resolution of operational teams, and assess the vulnerabilities of systems, face a possible cyber attack.

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