Opinion (Bruno Alves / Commissioner PSP): How to avoid a pickpocket. 7 Personal Safety Measures

The Homeland Security Annual Report for the year 2017 points the crime of theft as the most participated crime, It is one of its main manifestations theft by pickpocket.

Bruno Alves

Commissioner PSP

Degree in Police Sciences and Internal Security and Law and Postgraduate in Law of Criminal Investigation and Proof

We can say that theft by pickpocket is based on a false sense of security by looking harnessed crime agent – the pickpocket – for subtraction of a particular good that is in the victim's possession, particularly inside a pocket or a bag. The pickpocket is patient, and cunning strategist, in that planning and studying all phases of its operations and dominates effective subtraction methods without the victim being aware or consider anomalous situation, and for that it analyzes the circumstances around it and wait for the best opportunity to make theft.

Theft by pickpocket usually occurs in large cluster of people sites by taking advantage of natural environments victim of distraction (tourism, tours and holidays) and creating diversions (backboard, push and request for information), the pickpocket is bailing an object that facilitates and conceals the act of theft (newspaper, pasta, coat and map) and / or the help of other pickpockets that distract the victim, oversee police activity and provide assistance in concealment of stolen goods.

In this scenario, the criminal is usually mistaken for an ordinary citizen, perfectly inserted in a particular environment, It is polite and try to be everything to raise less suspicion, disguising themselves if necessary.

For these reasons, crime prevention for this type and form of crime will have to necessarily go through the public awareness of this phenomenon, particularly with regard to personal safety measures to adopt, without prejudice to the preventive and repressive activity carried out by security forces.

Our self-protection capability is largely dependent on our level of attention to the context and the adopted preventive measures. So:

  1. Bring with you only goods and values ​​that are actually needed and never let them in sight except for normal use.
  2. In situations of large cluster of people (Public transportation, shopping centers and tourist areas), should take special attention to places where transports its goods and values, not allowing, inside the possible, there external contact therewith.
  3. preferably use the inside pockets of clothes to save their property and assets or, not being possible, the front closure pockets having.
  4. Avoid storing the title of public transport in the portfolio or, not being possible, do not open the wallet at stops or places of large cluster of people.
  5. Transport pack, bags and backpacks always closed and in front or, not being possible, protect the respective latches with padlocks, even should the higher value goods be transported in closed inner pouch.
  6. when sitting, a terrace, restaurant or public transportation, never put your valuables (mobile phone and wallet) on the table or chair, the bag should be placed next to each other or between your feet and stuck through the respective handles.
  7. When you make withdrawals at ATM, do not let other people are close to each other so they can view the code of your card.

Adopting these preventive behaviors, pickpockets will realize that it is an informed and cautious person and desist from their illegal intentions, however, off is being followed by a pickpocket, feel free to contact the police or, not being possible, scroll to any establishment and ask for help, and you can always call 112.

If it came to actually being a victim of crime, withdraws from any police force, because only with that information can properly plan the prevention and criminal prosecution in police activity.

Portugal is the third table of the most peaceful countries in the world annual Global Peace Index report 2017, but the Public Security Police will do everything to get to 1st place! For example, the Lisbon Metropolitan Command PSP made 534 arrests for theft by pickpocket the three-year period 2015 a 2017 and is an active member in several international groups for sharing information and knowledge concerning this criminal phenomenon.

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