Opinion (Rogério COPETO): IN MEMORIAM

Makes day 23 June, exactly a year, a road Évora district took the life to the Main Guard Maria João Moura and the Main Guard Antonio Godinho, when they fulfilled the most noble mission of the National Republican Guard, serving this text to mark the 1st anniversary of his death and pay tribute to two great military and excellent human beings, that we are keen to never forget.

Roger Copeto_800x800Rogério COPETO

Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Head of the Education Division /

The Main Guard Maria João Moura and the Main Guard Antonio Godinho died victims of a road accident, when they moved to Évora Reguengos de Monsaraz by the EN No. 256, by day 16h18 23 June 2014, after having delivered, in tests Grouping headquarters in Évora, national math exams for the 9th year, carried out this morning in schools that had at their responsibility within the security operation to national tests "Operation Hawk".

Maria João Moura joined the National Guard in the year 1999 and the following year joined the Antonio Godinho, both born in Évora district, having been in the Alentejo began to comply with the motto of the GNR "For the Law and By Grey".

Early relevaram profile to join the Center Safe School of Territorial Detachment of Reguengos de Monsaraz, that would eventually integrate, first to Main Guard Maria João in 2002 and the Main Guard in Godinho 2005, both having achieved immediately gain the affection and friendship of the whole school community, due to the commitment that engaged in favor of the newest security.

Parallel to the work that developed the program "Safe School" were carrying out targeted activities for the elderly, under the program "Safety in the Elderly".

So, was naturally the Main Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho had the idea of ​​joining in the activities it has carried out, two generations, children who worked in the program "Safe School" and the elderly of the "Senior Security", a project they called "Holding Hands Generations".

The project "Hands Generations Given" then was born in 2011, in order to enable social participation and the involvement of the younger community with older, fostering communication, interaction, sharing knowledge and experiences and solidarity among children and seniors under the motto "No one is so new that can not teach, and no one is so old that it can not learn".

The "father" and "mother" Project "Holding Hands Generations" presented in his Commander, Captain Vitor Ribeiro, the cherished and implemented in the area of ​​your Posting, and prepared a report about the project objectives and outcomes, which referred to its Territorial Commander, having arrived Report to the General Command of GNR.

The General Commander of the GNR, to be aware of the project in July 2012, not only considered as good practice, as determined disclosure by any device, having on 1 October 2012, to mark the "International Day of the Elderly", been made 184 Actions, that engaged 403 military and covered 5.036 elderly and 4.751 children.

Also by decision of the General Commander, GNR presented the project "Hands Generations Given" the 3rd edition of the "Prize Manuel António da Mota", together with 180 Institutions, the theme of the prize was in the year 2012 subordinated to the "European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations" (AEEASG).

All applications were submitted to an initial evaluation, with the project "Hands Generations Given" the Territorial Detachment of Reguengos de Monsaraz, was selected by the Jury, to integrate the ten finalists, só facto if foi synonymous with enormous prestige for GNR, of course, of great joy for the "fathers" of the project.

The ten finalist entries were all appreciated in loco, conducted by, at least, one of the members who joined the jury, as foreseen in the respective regulation of the prize.

The Jury member who traveled to Reguengos de Monsaraz was Dr. Joaquina Madeira, Coordinator of AEEASG, that the assessment of the end said "... That the GNR project is an example of originality in Portugal and Europe, not knowing other Security Force to develop similar activity".

The evaluation of the project "Hands Generations given" on the ground was also accompanied by the TSF, who carried a report titled "I'll let my grandparents"[1], authored by journalists Alexandrina Warrior, Herlander Rui and Nuno Amaral, that summarized as follows Project: "A horse or jeep, the GNR guards of Reguengos de Monsaraz take advice and smiles to seniors living in isolated hills in the vast Alentejo. Whenever the school calendar allows, the first cycle students wear the uniform and accompany the military. In nursing homes or in Alentejo plain warn against con artists and leave smiles to combat loneliness."

The ceremony for the award ceremony, It was scheduled for 16 December 2012 the Palácio da Bolsa in Oporto, having been invited representations of 10 finalists institutions, fitting the "fathers" of the project represent the GNR in the ceremony which was chaired by Exmº Minister of Solidarity and Social Security, Dr. Pedro Mota Soares, that in the end he has confided accompanied with special interest the activities of the GNR under the AEEASG.

At the end of the ceremony despite the application of the GNR did not win first place, He received from the hands of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mota-Engil, SPPS, Dr. António Mota, an honorable mention and a cash prize of 5.000 euros, and the highest praise of all the other institutions and judges, causing the Principal Maria João Guard and the Main Guard Godinho tremendous joy, because they see their work recognized, not only internally by GNR, but also by civil society.

This recognition was also made by the current Commander of the Territorial Command Évora, Colonel Pedro Miguel Ramos Costa Lima, that in April 2014, as proposed by the then Commander of the Territorial Detachment of Reguengos de Monsaraz, Captain Vitor Ribeiro, individually praised both military.

The praise of the text assigned to the Main Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho, shown recognition for their work in the project "Holding Hands Generations", and also highlighted the "... High human qualities, high dedication to service, unusual sense of duty and responsibility, ability to serve well and wisdom in carrying out various missions and tasks that have been entrusted". Both Praises still realize the contribution of the Main Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho to the prestige of GNR, either due to the excellent and cordial relationship with the people, including the aging population and the educational community, wants to contribute to the high results in daily activity carried out by two.

They are also remembered the personality characteristics that both had and that were recognized by all, such as the high professional skills, courage, obedience spirit, solid moral formation, correction, character of nobility and sense of self-denial.

The praises that the Home Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho were given are the recognition of GNR for what they did while the military GNR, lying in the same filed of each individual process, but other accolades, They are not stored anywhere, but in our memory, and these recognitions are the thousands of thanks and praise they received every day hundreds of children and elderly, who saw Maria João Godinho and his "guardian angels".

Both guided, both your professional life, as his personal life to do good and to give its modest contribution to improving the quality of life, who were related, especially the most fragile.

In fulfilling the mission of GNR, were thousands and thousands kilometers that the Home Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho made in Évora district roads, the way schools, of buttes, of nursing homes and dozens of institutions with which the GNR relates and always in favor of the most vulnerable populations, such as children and the elderly.

Physically the Home Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho no longer among us, but due to marks left in their family, in your friends, in their comrades, superiors, Mayors, teachers, technicians and all the people who served, the more anonymous at least, especially children and the elderly, you can not forget them, especially his joy of living and the professionalism that put in everything they did

The Main Guard Maria João and the Main Guard Godinho been and will be an example to follow for all of us, and are part Now theto those who by valerosas works are freed from death law.

[1] http://www.tsf.pt/Programas/programa.aspx?content_id=2550928&audio_id=2906678


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