The "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women" celebrated officially since 1999, by determination of the United Nations General Assembly, but it is marked from 1981, in order to raise awareness throughout the population to the problem of violence against women.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
So, to mark the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" which is celebrated tomorrow day 25 November, bring the LN the subject of violence against women, to give work account held by the GNR in the eradication of violence against women and an initiative called "Orange the World" or "Alaranjar the World", a free translation into Portuguese.
Violence against women is a violation of human rights, and a consequence of discrimination against women and the persistent inequalities between men and women, impeding progress in many areas, however it is not an inevitable phenomenon where prevention and plays an essential role.
One of the crimes with greater expression, in the spectrum of crimes against women is domestic violence (CEO), and this criminal phenomenon, one that has greater visibility in recent years, and the worst reasons, to present new contours and the worthlessness that is for human dignity, having so the Security Forces (FS) adapted to address the problem of VD.
GNR having perfect awareness of the need to combat crime and other RV committed against particularly vulnerable victims, such as children and the elderly, created in 2004 the "Cores Female Younger", now called "Centers of Research and Support for Specific Victims" (NIAVE), having its military specific training on the proper handling of issues related to women, minors, the elderly and the disabled as victims.
The niave are especially geared towards prevention, monitoring and investigation of cases of violence against women, children and the elderly, in the context of domestic violence and other crimes committed in the family environment or ill-treatment.
In the area of prevention of the phenomenon of VD and ill-treatment, GNR in compliance with the legal regime for the prevention of domestic violence, the protection and assistance of victims, performs on its own or in partnership with other entities, several awareness-raising, whether directed to the school community (students, parents, teachers, assistants and carers), under the "Safe School Program", either for the elderly under the "Elderly Program in Safety", or even directed to the staff working with victims of DV.
Also the result of their territorial dispersion, his knowledge of people and places and the recognition of their action in terms of support for DV victims, GNR integrates numerous local level partnerships and national, and be tedious lists them one by one, They stand out for their importance the creation of protocols of several "Centers of Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence" existing in all districts, where GNR is constituted as another partner of these support centers for victims. These informal and formal partners enable the GNR a referral of victims and their children, to the most appropriate answers to the problems, and the knowledge network of the capital gains, for a correct answer to the problems of victims.
Although the request either of the tutelage, or Non-Governmental Organizations, GNR integrates various working groups and projects, National and international, fruit of the work within the RV and institutions unanimously recognize, especially the work of the GNR in support of the victims and the prevention of crime against women.
But, one of the biggest challenges in efforts to prevent violence against women in the world is deficit funding, resulting in the lack of resources to develop prevention initiatives and eradication of violence against women, which is why from day 25 November and 10 of December, the UN Secretary-General calls on all people to join the initiative "Orange the world", with the aim of raising funding to eradicate violence against women.
Estes 16 days of activism against gender violence aimed at raising public awareness and mobilize people everywhere in the world in order to promote the necessary changes, and the orange-colored, the color designated to symbolize a better future without violence, should all the events that are organized using the color orange-as indicated in "Toolkit"This initiative, Secretary-General of the responsibility of the United Nations.
This international campaign called "16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence" was born in 1991, and this year marks the 25th anniversary, under the motto "Peace in the home to peace in the world: make sure education for all", It recognizes that structural discrimination and inequality perpetuate a cycle of violence, that does not end even in earlier ages, where the difficulty in access to education is a threat to the eradication of gender violence and a violation of the universal right to education.
Education beyond being a public good is a fundamental human right recognized in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and confirmed in various international conventions and treaties and regional human rights, to that right, even subject to policy changes, economic and social, It is not denied to the most vulnerable sections of the population, how women, knowing that education leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge, needed for the world of work or to find employment or entrepreneurship, leading to gender equality, peace, nonviolence and the appreciation of cultural diversity.