Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): Burglaries.
Having regard to the article from Journal of News of 22 January, with the title "police record 18 thousand burglaries to homes in a year" (the full article is only available in paper edition), found that in 2016 GNR and PSP registered 18.301 thefts in residence.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
In 2015 theft in residence decreased by 16,2%, compared with the year 2014, with the GNR and PSP registered a total of 16.186 thefts in residence according to the Homeland Security Annual Report – 2015, where you can read "crime of theft in residence, with breakin, scaling or false key (16.186 interests). represent less 3.126 records (-16,2%) ", and this decrease we realized in our article titled "more programs, more prevention".
Under the RASI 2015 verified, as already mentioned, were recorded 16.186 crime of "theft in residence" and were also recorded 676 crime of "theft residence", making a total of 16.882 crime of "theft in residence" and "residence to theft", a smaller number than that recorded in 2016, which according to the article were 18.301 crimes, verifying therefore an increase 7,8%, compared with the year 2015.
But the reading of that article found that the PSP registered in 2015, 6.438 crimes and GNR recorded 13.454 crimes, making a total of 19.892 crimes, so it is said that there has been a decrease in burglaries, compared with the year 2016, having the PSP registered last year 5.795 crimes e a GNR 12.506 crimes, totaling the aforementioned 18.301 crimes, corresponding by the PSP to a decrease of about 10% e na GNR cerca de 7% ie both security forces fell by 1.591 crimes of burglary, corresponding to near -8%.
On the subject of statistics, We have already had the opportunity to publish the article with the title "The crime statistics", where we refer to "Statistic is the science that uses probabilistic theories to explain the frequency of occurrence of events, there also say that Statistic is the science of torturing the numbers, until confess what we. Eventually the two statistical definitions are used daily, but only the first is correct."
And on the phenomenon of burglaries in homes, we were able to publish several articles here, having been the first addressed the theft to residential, in the article entitled "Home Jacking", which we refer to the homejacking is the assault on homes, with abduction of their owners and recourse to violence, and in the most severe cases can result in the death of their victims, possibly one of the crimes that most sequels leaves on its victims, very difficult to overcome, leading not infrequently, the removal, for they do not feel safe in your home.
However, in all the crimes committed in Portugal, the homejacking It is the exception, because the robberies residence occur mostly during the absence of their owners, to be the burglar's point of view a more advantageous situation, be higher due to the possibility of success, having then also tapped to make known "Safe Home project" da GNR, which was implemented in January 2010, in response to an increased feeling of insecurity, result of the occurrence of several burglaries using kidnapping and violence, that occurred in the municipality of Loulé, no final de 2009.
The "Project Safe Home" also earned a special article with the title "Safe home", that despite being born by reason of the occurrence of robberies using violence and kidnapping of the owners in the Loulé area, the same was extended to all the area of responsibility of GNR, directed to isolated and inhabited homes for elderly, based on a community policing philosophy, We want to improve the conditions of safety and security of the general population particularly the most vulnerable, as are the elderly and those living in isolated locations.
After the issue of thefts in residence and their statistics, We continue the article with two references to situations of increased violence, the first in the younger generation and the second in layers so young.
The first is to account for the increase in violence in dating, as Public News 14 January, entitled "Complaints dating violence increase again", having Publico published on the same issue an opinion article, Sofia Neves authored entitled "Violence in the relationship: the less visible face of gender violence in close relationships". Also SIC Noticias echoed the matter in the play "Complaints dating violence increase again", where it is stated that " number of shares PSP and GNR increased 6% between 2015 e 2016”, having last year the authorities received 1.975 complaints, more 123 than 2015, verifying an increase in numbers from 2013, and also increased the participation of young people up to 16 year old, with special emphasis on complaints of abuse over the internet, whose subject of cybercrime, It has already been addressed more than once, to be a growing phenomenon, especially among the younger generation, where the ciberbullying It has great expression.
And the second to account for the increase in violence against elderly, notably practiced by children, Morning Mail article as of 20 January with the title "Parents take their children and are silent", where it is stated, APAV quoting a report on "Violence Filioparental", for the years 2013-2015, “que every day there, average, at least one parent assaulting the children. Of 1777 support processes were identified in three years 4327 crimes. This phenomenon of domestic violence shot 2014 to 2015, with APAV to register, respectively, 553 and 667 cases ", and only a quarter of the victims complained to the police, always "shame, guilt or unknowing victims, who are mostly widows above the 65 year old".
This issue was also addressed by the Noticias newspaper in its edition of the day 20 January, in the article entitled "assaulted parents take up to six years to ask for support", which means that all days, a man or a woman is the target of attacks by their children, taking an average, up to six years, to denounce the situation and ask for help, choosing however APAV over the police or judicial authorities.
The phenomenon of violence against the elderly, often perpetrated by family, It has been discussed here several times, in particular Articles "Violence against the elderly", "Denounce violence against elderly", "Older people in danger", "Teasing” e “Census Contributor", where in all we had opportunity to make known the activities undertaken by GNR in supporting this most vulnerable population, whose "Project Safety in the Elderly"It was recognized by European Crime Prevention Network, as good European practice, and greatly contributes to this phenomenon is brought into the light of day, getting so GNR national and international recognition.