Having the last week continued to be fertile in matters, no new and all frankly unpleasant, in this article we will address the practice of alleged crimes of insubordination and document forgery in the Army.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
We will also address the continued push of a blame to others, because of another case of leakage of Algerian citizens at the airport Humberto Delgado and women who continue to be killed in shotgun shooting.
The first issue to be addressed it is an alleged commission of a crime of insubordination and other fake documents, in the case of death of two recruits, no 127th Command Course, occurred in the summer 2016, RTP as part of the day 13 January, with the title "If two commands: concerned forgery of document and insubordination", After being replicated by several OCS, for example the article of the Watcher 13 from January "General have sent suspend Zero Proof but ignored commands order"Public and also the same day"Command ignored the order to suspend fatal course".
About this topic, I had to opportunity on 8 September share, my page Facebook, Article published in Vision and authored by journalist Ines Rapazote with the title "Life and death in special troops", which earned me the following comment: "All special troops live by the motto: 'Instruction Dura, Combat Easy ', and despite agreeing to it, never I understood the death of a trainee during military training, accepting however that accidents may occur, should therefore instructors prevent all risks".
And not wanting to weave no further consideration of the matter, We took the opportunity to transcribe public statements, Own Commander of Land Forces, Lieutenant General António Menezes, who had the opportunity to publicize the night 13 January, on your page Facebook:"It does not seem serious to use parts of a supposedly reserved witness to elaborate theses of insubordination. The closure of the Zero Proof was scrupulously carried out according to the orders issued by me, with honor, dignity and respect for the fallen. The army which I am proud to serve, He readied a Force that will be designed for the Central African Republic on Tuesday. That's my priority and a source of pride for the country. Commands responded present when the Fatherland called the. So requires your code and thus will always be! I have great pride and confidence in teaching me not to give up! Let us be clear! There is an agenda declared undermine the cohesion and discipline of the Armed Forces, Army and in particular Command. For further information, witnesses, surveys, inspections, communicated in a climate of transparency and collaboration, the facts are distorted, manipulated, provided or arranged to judge without charge and according to the media time any citizen and in this case military. Poor in spirit and sad moneychangers from the temple. The Fatherland deserved better people! Sleep in peace on the protective mantle of whom serve without question. When they need to be rescued count on their soldiers. Then they realize the size of the military condition!"
Another issue that continues to fill the pages of newspapers and several minutes in the news televisions are leakages of Algerian citizens the airport Huberto Delgado, coming again the union SEF, justify the escape for lack of means, Radio as part Renaissance Day 13 January, "Leaks at the airport: SEF union complains lack of means", still questioning the lack of security of the airport infrastructure, according to the RTP piece, Also day 13 from January "New doubts about safety at Lisbon airport". However ANA rejects accusations, referring "that any claim to the infrastructure responsibility is absurd and ridiculous because the fugitives were under police escort", TSF as part of the day 13 January with the title "ANA – Airports Portugal rejects responsibility on the trail of Algerians", replicated on Saturday article the same day called "ANA criticizes attitude of the security forces on the trail of the two Algerians". And the situation was not more severe contours because Algerian citizens were located, even on the same day, the Oriente Station, as DN News "They caught the two Algerians who had fled from Lisbon airport".
On this subject I have already write here in LN, particularly in the article entitled "Security at aerodromes and national airports", by publication of reason, in editing 30 Newspaper July SOL, an article entitled "Crimes. Aerodromes with little control"And from holding 5 Algerians, that day, for having entered a restricted area of Humberto Delgado Airport, having the PSP said that they were "People who sought an opportunity to reach Europe", having committed the same “…crime disturbance in the air transport, They can be tried in summary and be immediately extradited".
At the time the subject of the arrest of Algerian citizens motivated immediately heated discussion and aroused the interest of all OCS, having Journal I, in its issue of the day 1 August, published the article entitled "Airport. Invasion of the track does not justify strengthening security", that citing a source from PSP, stated that the detainees "... They entered the runway through an emergency exit ... which can not be closed for security reasons ... and that evil is forced to its opening, the security system which provides for the immediate action of the authorities is activated ". Having the union SEF at the time, from claiming to have been failures, SIC as part of 1 August called "Union SEF said that there was security flaws at Lisbon airport".
Taking into account the abnormal frequency leakage Algerian citizens Humberto Delgado Airport, it became reason for parody in humorous rubric of named Ricardo Araújo Pereira authored "Themed mixórdia", the "Morning Program", Radio Commercial, with the theme of this caption on 13 de janeiro been: "Second Circular seduces Algerians. Tourism in known fast track".
However we continue to believe that the safety of aerodromes and domestic airports is effectively guaranteed by the security forces, responsible for them, nome adam ente a GNR e a PSP, and so the Portuguese can rest, porque quer a GNR, or PSP, have trained and qualified personnel to meet any threat that might occur in such airport infrastructure.
term, unfortunately the worst way, to account for another murder of a woman, conforme notícia do Correio da Manhã do dia 13 from January "Husband kills wife with two shots to the head", also published by JN in the article "Woman killed with two shots and fleeing suspect". In another article called JN "Suspected of killing the woman shot will be heard in court"Could know the escape of the suspect, after the murder commission, which was then located and arrested by GNR, "what It sets up a hunting operation to man and this was eventually arrested by 22.20 hours, in a garage attached to the house of the couple, near the crime scene ". The same article was aware that " suspect, found with an ax blow to the head, It was bailed out by the INEM and transported to the hospital", Still referring to "a month ago, the husband was identified by the GNR for domestic violence and possession of illegal weapons".
For information veínculada by OCS, it appears that in this case, in other identical, the intervention of the authorities managed to save the life of the aggressor and not the victim, so this case, is another, that this year the "Retrospective Analysis Team Assassination Domestic Violence", we gave to know in our article entitled "Homicides in retrospect", You will have to analyze, in order that any failure to protect that victim will not be repeated. However whatever the conclusions, no longer will the time to save this woman, by reiterating the importance of creating multidisciplinary teams of municipal scope and whose mission is to monitor all instances of domestic violence, whose risk assessment collected through risk assessment form, falls in high risk or high, verifying that the procedures taken or were not the right ones, proposing timely its correction or implementation of new, because the intervention of these multidisciplinary teams can save lives.