Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): "VIOLENCE VIRAL".

With reference to the attacks that took place in Almada, We approach the concept of "viral violence"And explained that"the courts are lenient", and on attacks in Ponte de Sor, We affirm that presumably will never be justice done.

Rogério COPETO

Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR

Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training

The concept of "viral violence"Was given to us to know the journal I edit in 16 January, in the article entitled "viral violence: Vandalism exhibitionist worries experts", where the researcher Margarida Gaspar de Matos and child psychiatrist Ana Vasconcelos refer fear "a bad character contest"And that"Outwit risk signals, even family members is crucial for fashion does not take", to refer to the last cases that have become known to the public due to release videos of aggression among young people and that became viral, and the aggressions of Almada an example, where they occur only, in the certainty that they are being recorded, immediately following it to be shared on social networks, which in the case of these aggressions, eventually encourage the advancement of research.

This new phenomenon of "viral violence"Expert opinion is unanimous, stating that "the dissemination of images encourages violent behavior, but that does not mean that the attacks have increased. The company may also be more attentive, declaring most cases, in the past, They were quiet in the hallways of schools. 'Before there was talk that much because, in some way, interpersonal violence was more tolerated: parents assaulted children, whip sometimes, teachers assaulted students, husbands assaulted women, They assaulted friends to each other, police assaulted citizens… The social regulation was made based on beating ' ", believing that "It may be an intolerable fashion bad taste, some cases may indicate mental disorders or personality of young people who require follow-up ", if fearing that "This trend incites more violence", advocating for it "increased monitoring of young people ".

As already mentioned, the case of aggression Almada is a perfect example of this new phenomenon "viral violence", having last week been known a new chapter, with the application of coercive measures to offenders, SIC as part of News 13 January with the title "Young offenders Almada prohibited by the court of being close to the attacked", where it is stated that "dand according to the site prosecutorial district of Lisbon, three offenders are subject “the school attendance requirement, with attendance and good behavior; prohibition to move and stay in certain places frequented by the victim; prohibition of contact, by any means, with the victim, and each."

By reason of the implementation of the measures or not, Celso Manata director of prison services "advocates more hospitalizations and criticizes Child Protection and judges", in an article published by Express, in its edition of 14 January with the title "Courts are 'too lenient' with offenders" (no link available), where it is still said that "young people in educational centers decreased 54% in five years ", the Educational System of Guardianship passed the "eighty to eight"And that"educational centers Overcrowding, and even waiting lists for housing juvenile offenders sentenced to internment measures, no longer exists. Currently the network accumulates jobs nationwide".

Article, Celso Manata states that "in Genesis is a very mild intervention of child protection. People who are in protection committee, institutions with kids received under protection processes are being complacent, They are too weak, They are not participating all crimes. They are put up with more things. Kids come to us at a very advanced stage, why are they not implemented the right measures at the right time. The crimes were aggravated very, bringing the paths are increasingly complicated" .

In the same article, Augusto Career, director of child psychiatry service of the Hospital Center Lisbon Center states that "violence is more violent, but serious, but banalizada, cruel and extreme. It is increasingly a form of disturbed relationship between the young, a disturbing dehumanization"And the psychiatrist Rui Abrunhosa relates"often the problems start in dysfunctional families, where violence is already present ", Still referring to "I'm not a big proponent of the punitive models".

In the novel about the attacks that occurred on 18 August last year in Ponte de Sor, where suspects are the sons of the Iraqi Ambassador, Also we know more a chapter last week, whom the Portuguese state had requested the waiver of diplomatic immunity, so that the same defendants consisting, and that no day 6 January was learned that the Iraqi authorities have postponed the decision on the lifting of immunity, to know now the existence of an agreement between the victim's family and the family of the perpetrators, as Article Observer 13 January, with the title "Ponte de Sor. Iraq's ambassador to the Agreement is over 30 thousand euros", further clarifying article Correio da Manhã, also 13 January that "Family withdraws complaint against Iraqi twins", so according to the radio part of the Renaissance same day "Assaults in Ponte de Sor. 'With this agreement was made justice'", but however and according to Radio Renaissance 'Assaults in Ponte de Sor. Public Prosecution continues investigation".

In other words, with the now formalized agreement, the victim's family, It considers that justice has been done and withdrew the complaint, but because it is a public crime, MP continues to research, in order to sit in the dock, suspects of serious crime of physical violence, the young of Ponte de Sor suffered at the hands of the sons of the Iraqi Ambassador. Justice that the victim's mother, I doubted happen, as Article Observer 15 October last year, with the title "young mother beaten in Ponte de Sor fears that Iraqis will not be judged".

Justice that after this agreement is harder to get, taking into account the probable lack of cooperation, the victim will have during the trial, probably never will hold, as it happens with the crimes of domestic violence, that a lack of cooperation from victims, the attackers never go to court, conclusion easily reached by reading the article published in the Public 9 March last year, with the title "Lack of collaboration victims hampers investigation of crimes for domestic violence", where it is stated that "processes are often suspended at the request of the victim. This happens, partly, for fear of reprisals or reluctance to leave the relationship", that no case of Ponte de Sor, the lack of cooperation will not be in fear, but because the aggressor family has provided accounts with the victim's family. The saying "eye for an eye, tooth by tooth"It was replaced by the proverb"euros per eye, dente euros".


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