This week we bring the subject of support for DV victims to LD, by reason of the statements of Mrs. Secretary of State for Equality and Citizenship, Dr. Catherine Marcelino, this end-of-week in Puerto stated that targeted responses for victims of DV are concentrated in the country's coast, lying inside so lacking this type of support.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command of the Doctrine and Training
"National Support Network for Domestic Violence Victims: all the organizations dedicated to supporting victims, including the Public Administration body responsible for citizenship and gender equality, the Institute of Social Security, I. P. (ISS, I. P.), the shelters, the service structures, emergency care response, the specific responses of public administration bodies and the free telephone service with national coverage information to victims of domestic violence."
The definition of National Network of Support for DV victims referred to in the preceding paragraph belongs to the 5th version Lei n.º 112/2009 of 16 of September, establishing the legal regime for the prevention of domestic violence, the protection and assistance of victims.
This week we bring the subject of support for DV victims to LD, by reason of the statements of Mrs. Secretary of State for Equality and Citizenship, Dr. Catherine Marcelino, this end-of-week in Puerto stated that targeted responses for victims of DV are concentrated in the country's coast, lying inside so lacking this type of support, as the Public and Jornal de Noticias were echoed making opportunity, in its issues of the day 10 January, Articles referred, respectively, "It is unacceptable to continue to die"The journalist Ana Cristina Pereira and"Secretary of State promises more support for victims" (no link available) the journalist Alfredo Maia.
This finding Mrs Secretary of State, the interior of the country does not have the same offer to the coast, with regard to responses in support of the victims of VD, It is not new, especially for professionals who every day have to provide support to victims VD, directing them to the most appropriate answers to your situation, and in the interior of the country this work is hampered by lack of offers.
This problem is not a surprise to me, because as Commander of Territorial Detachment had the opportunity to experience this difficulty, in an emergency, before a victim of VD, mother of a teenager and a toddler, in having to separate the, If accept the solution proposed me, because according to existing responses, it was not possible that the same institution acolhesse that mother and her two daughters.
This case, It is unfortunately an example of what all professionals, They are working to assist the victims of VD within the country, They have to face, particularly after 17H00 and on weekends weekend, knowing that the coast this work is easier, and the lack of emergency response not only checks on supporting victims VD, verifying also when children are involved or elderly in danger and whose existing answers quite often do not respond to needs, thereby increasing the severity of the situation.
Therefore Mrs. Secretary of State for Equality and Citizenship announced a "territorialization project of support centers for victims", to ensure the actual coverage of the entire country with the necessary answers to support DV victims, may be the basis of these responses to town, the municipality or the intermunicipal community, depending on the circumstances of each territory, intending to avoid excess situations responses in certain areas and lack other, such as the Port District, that have 21 answers, existing interior districts, with a single answer, as is the case of Vila Real, according to the words of Mrs. Secretary of State.
Also according to the words of Mrs. Secretary of State we concluded that it was the extinction of the Civil Governments, which led to a lack of necessary and sufficient answers, for adequate support to victims of VD within the country, especially with regard to the creation of more support offices RV Victims (GAV), given that most were created based on protocols between the Civil Governments, municipalities and local institutions, in order to extend as much as possible the network GAV's, that stopped, with the extinction of the Governments Civil.
But to bridge some gaps and in order to help all professionals working in support of VD victims, regardless of the region where they are, a Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) available in your the page "Resource Guide on Domestic Violence Area"Simply for this purpose select the type of support: Town Council, victim support structures, Security Forces, Intervention with aggressors, Justice, Protection of Children and Youth, Health, social security local services, followed by district, to find all the existing solutions on the mainland and autonomous regions, facilitating and speeding up the work of all professional, accompanying and refer victims of VD, It is however not shown Houses Shelter for obvious reasons.
Apart from the IGC page other institutions provide information about the type of response that a victim can get VD, It is the example pages Social Security e do Parliament, the latter providing the contacts of some of the answers.
Also to support the VD victims survive the Telecare Service Domestic Violence Victims, I have already explained in article anterior, Free and ensures the victims VD, that directly benefit, a quick and proportionate response, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, through a mobile equipment, which is connected directly to the "Call Center" of the Red Cross where Portuguese technicians specifically prepared to give an appropriate response to each situation.
Finished espererando that the Secrtária of State Mrs. promise Equality and Citizenship is fulfilled, because they earn all victims of RV to reside within the country, Cease to be double victims, when at first they suffer from physical and or psychological aggression on the part of his companions and a second time when those who should support does not have the right answers to your situation, causing many return to his home, which may again be assaulted or even killed.