The National Guard today began an operation named "Safe Home" which will end next Sunday, in order to prevent thefts and robberies in residence, still spreading safety advice to adopt citizens.


Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Head of the Education Division / Command of the Doctrine and Training

(N.D.R.: It is now one year, which was published the first article of Lieutenant Colonel View Rogério Copeto. The Lidador News recalls the anniversary and leaves a recognized THANK YOU to our collaborator and friend.)

This operation comes from the "Safe Home project", who was born in response to an increased feeling of insecurity, by reason of the occurrence of several burglary with use of kidnapping and violence, that occurred in the municipality of Loulé, no final de 2009, having 2010 "Project Safe Home", after being considered by the National Guard Command as "Good Practice", Portugal represented no "European Crime Prevention Award", whose theme this year "For a Safe House, a Safer Community, Prevention by, the Policing and Reintegration ".

The "Safe Home Project" has been so extended to the whole area under the responsibility of GNR and has material and human resources on an exclusive basis and whose responsibility the georeferencing all isolated residences, for a better location in the event, while still allowing direct proximity patrolling.

Despite the "Operation Safe Home" was born by reason of occurrence of robbery with use of violence and kidnapping owners, the call homejacking, should be noted that in all the crimes committed in Portugal, this type of crime is the exception, because the robberies residence, They occur mostly during the absence of their owners, to be the burglar's point of view a more advantageous situation, be higher due to the possibility of success, being this fact proven by Homeland Security Annual Report 2014.

The homejacking so is the house robbery, with abduction of their owners and recourse to violence, and in the most severe cases can result in homicide, He is the one who possibly, from the psychological point of view, more sequels leaves on its victims, very difficult to overcome, leading not infrequently, the removal, for they do not feel safe in their own home.

But as mentioned most burglaries occur in the absence of the owners, and even in these situations the victims can not easily overcome the situation, as they believe that their most private space and where they feel safer, It was violated, going to live in constant jolt.

That is why, esta Iniciativa da GNR, which is based on proximity policing philosophy, It aims to improve the conditions of safety and security of the general population especially the most vulnerable, as are the elderly and those living in isolated locations.

To ensure such protection GNR refers to the strengthening of policing through apeadas patrols and the establishment of rules and general safety procedures, still conducting awareness and information actions for the adoption of measures that best meet the specific needs and conditions of housing, in relation to thefts and burglaries, repeating the main advices who pass to leave the doors and windows closed whenever you leave, put a telescope and a safety chain on your door, not to let suspicious or unknown people, without being sure of who they are, always have on hand the phone numbers to be able to communicate with someone, principal thought com a GNR, not leaving written on the door, window or mailbox, indicating their absence, not allowed to accumulate correspondence in the mailbox and put in a safe door lock.

And when you leave your home, for several days, inform the GNR your area, and if by reason of holidays during the period 15 June and 15 of September, You can enroll in the program Safe Summer, which aims "help citizens to enjoy the holidays quietly while away from their habitual residence", It is however necessary to take some precautions, namely, ask a neighbor or a trusted friend to collect your mail, so it does not accumulate in the mailbox, this being a sign that the house is uninhabited, and if you have a second car and not take on holiday, ask someone to move it around from time to time during his absence, leave jewelry and other valuables in a safe place, if you have installed home a check alarm system is properly connected before you leave, Avoid advertising your holiday trip, particularly in social networks, let someone you trust the site address where you will spend the holidays in case you need to contact you, do not load your car the night before, do it the next morning and before leaving, Make sure all doors and windows are closed and that carries all the necessary keys.

For GNR this operation also has the objective of enhancing proximity to population, sensitizing it to this type of crime, guaranteed conditions so that they feel protected, It is for that reason that the GNR lacquer every year "Operation Safe Home", in order to maximize the feeling of security along the entire population, especially the elderly and those living in isolated locations.

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