Ourique: CLDS GER(A)TIONS: A project of inclusion and social support.

The Municipality of Ourique approved the application for the Local Development Contract (CLDS 5G), which will be carried out by IPSS Nossa Terra.

This project aims to promote social inclusion, combat poverty and support the county's most vulnerable communities, like young people, children and the elderly.

O CLDS GER(A)TIONS will last for 48 months and will have financing of 480.000 euros, co-financed by the People 2030/FSE+ Program and the Social Security Institute. The application was presented by Nossa Terra, who will also be responsible for signing the financing contract and coordinating the implementation of the project.

Upon opinion from the Ourique Local Social Action Council (CLASO), the Municipality of Ourique, at a regular meeting of 27 March 2024, expressed its intention to implement the CLDS, selecting Our Earth, as Local Coordinating Entity of the Partnership. The Action Plan was unanimously approved by CLASO (Ourique Local Social Action Council) and unanimously approved at a Chamber Meeting 15 November.


The project focuses on two axes of intervention: Children and Young People (0 to 24 year old): Promotion of equal opportunities, access to quality services and personal development actions for the elderly (65 years or more): Combating isolation, promoting active aging and strengthening autonomy.

Strategic partnership

The execution of the project was delegated to NOSSA TERRA, an entity with experience in developing social projects, in a network working logic with the municipality and local entities. The Municipality of Ourique will continue to play an active role in monitoring, coordination and fulfillment of program objectives, reaffirming the commitment to the social cohesion of the territory.

Commitment to the future of Ourique

O CLDS GER(A)TIONS reflects the vision of the Municipality of Ourique for a more inclusive and supportive municipality, ensuring that available resources are used to create a positive impact on the lives of local communities.

Source: Municipality of Ourique

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