Ourique: Collision between two light vehicles leaves five injured. child 18 months involved.

five wounded, one serious and four light, including a child with 18 months, was the result of a collision between two light vehicles that took place this afternoon on the Complementary Itinerary (IC) 1, in Ourique county.

The alert for the accident, that took place in the Rio Torto area, Santana da Serra, towards south / north, was given at 1:54 pm, and according to information collected by Lidador Notícias (LN), one of the vehicles would be stopped outside the carriageway and when entering it will have been rammed, on the left side, driver's side. Despite the heavy rain that fell in the area throughout tomorrow, this was not the main cause of the violent collision.

In the vehicle that suffered the collision, a Nissan car, a couple in their seventies was traveling, while in the other vehicle, a Renault van, in addition to child 18 months, your parents traveled, whose ages could not be ascertained.

At the crash site were 21 operating of Ourique Fire, medical car emergency and resuscitation (VMER) do Hospital de Beja, and immediate life support (SIV) Castro Verde, the GNR of Ourique supported by ten vehicles.

The injured were transported to the Emergency Department of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja in four BVO ambulances, where they are under observation.

Remember that last Monday, 5 Feb., a collision between goods vehicles, one light and one heavy, occurred in IC1, in the Portela do Lobo area, also in the municipality of Ourique, caused two deaths and two minor injuries..

In the year of 2019, on the IC section between Ourique and Santana da Serra, there were nine deaths.

Teixeira Correia


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