The Municipality of Ourique provides, since Thursday, a specific container for the disposal of hazardous waste on the premises of the Parish Council of Ourique.
What can you deposit: Batteries and accumulators, packaging with chemicals, paints, varnishes, strong detergents (leachate, removers) and poisons, packaging with vehicle oils, printer toners and packaging with expired pills.
The Municipality warns that “the correct disposal of hazardous waste is essential to protect the environment and public health”.
The new hazardous waste collection point is installed in the Parish Council of Ourique and will soon, Containers for hazardous waste will also be made available at the Santana da Serra Parish Council facilities, of the Union of Parishes of Garvão and Santa Luzia and the Union of Parishes of Panóias and Conceição.
The Municipality maintains that “the preservation of public space is a commitment of everyone, and works daily to ensure a clean and healthy environment, but the community’s contribution is essential to achieving a more sustainable municipality”, conclude.
Waste and Urban Hygiene
The Municipality made it known that the Ourique City Council's Waste Collection and Urban Hygiene team collects an average of 7 tons of waste across the county.
This essential mission involves approximately 15 employees and several special selective waste collection vehicles, as well as cleaning carts.
Teixeira Correia