Procedure for the replacement of the roofing of the buildings of the Basic School Abade Correia da Serra was launched.
No announcement procedure 1045/2021 published yesterday in Diário da República, the tender notice for the contract to replace the roof of buildings is launched 2 and 3 Abade Correia da Serra Basic School, Serpa,
The procedure has a base price value of 123.104,80 euros and interested parties have until 17,00 hours of the 20th day of 28 January, to present proposals.
Last day 7 August, Lidador NotÃcias revealed that the Serpa City Council, after receiving from the Ministry of Education a proposal for a Collaboration Agreement for the removal and replacement of asbestos at the Basic School Abade Correia da Serra and the Basic School no. 1 Vila Nova de S. Bento, that predicted that the Municipality would be the owner of the work, and after having suggested changes to the agreement, not accepted by the Ministry, decided to sign the document, as the removal of asbestos from schools is fundamental to the health of the educational community.
Teixeira Correia