The total number of infected in the covid-19 outbreak at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Serpa home rose to 88, between users and employees, having already died two elderly. In the municipality of Serpa there are 147 infected and 483 under surveillance and that from tomorrow it will integrate groups of municipalities at very high risk.
The latest data (Daily report 07_12_20) referring to the covid-19 pandemic in the area of ​​the Local Health Unit in Baixo Alentejo reveal that there are 297 infetados, 147 of which in the municipality of Serpa, corresponding to 49,4% of cases in the thirteen municipalities in the district of Beja, except Odemira.
“we have 74 users and 14 officials” infected with the virus that causes covid-19, told the Lusa agency the provider of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Serpa (SCMS), António Sergeant, mentioning that there are 15 users who are not infected.
Of 74 elderly people in Lar de S. Francisco with positive results in screening tests for the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, there is to register “10 hospitalizations” Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja, and two deaths.
“A man, about 70 year old, passed away on saturday, no lar, and a lady, of 93 year old, passed away on sunday, no hospital”, forward.
According to the provider, three of the elderly admitted to the hospital in Beja, belonging to the Health Unit Location Alentejo (ULSBA), “inspire more care” and has “a more unstable clinical situation”, wherein “one is in the Intensive Care Unit and the other two are in the Covid ward”.
“All other inmates are stable and do not inspire great care, for now”, He stressed.
The remaining elderly in the SCMS home infected with covid-19 “they are all at home, in your beds, worthy care, accompanied by clinical teams, including with the ULSBA partnership, and monitored several times a day”, assured.
The 15 users who test negative for SARS-CoV-2 in “two tests” carried out are housed in the Zone of Concentration and Support to the Population (ZCAP), located at the Carlos Pinhão Municipal Sports Pavilion, Serpa, added António Sargento.
Infected employees “are all at home, in isolation”, but “don't inspire care” and “most are asymptomatic”.
“It has been a great challenge for us, because there are a lot of casualties in the team”, that had to be “soon reinforced with rapid intervention brigades, so much from the Red Cross, as from other companies”, reported.
The provider acknowledged that, at this time, “teams have greater psychological pressure and are tired” and that “wear is notorious”, but stressed that “all care is being provided to users”.
The first confirmed case of infection at Lar de S. Francisco, owned by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Serpa, was that of an employee, what, after starting to have symptoms, did a screening test for the covid-19 virus, whose positive result was known in the past day 24 November.
The municipality of Serpa is part of the municipalities at very high and extremely high risk, according to the list approved by the Government, last Saturday, and which comes into force on Wednesday.
The county's epidemiological situation bulletin, published this Monday on the Chamber page on the social network Facebook, account for 258 people infected with the covid-19 virus since the beginning of the pandemic, of which 147 are active cases, 107 already recovered and four died.