Beja: biker screening increases the number of accidents at the roundabout of BA11.

Beja: biker screening increases the number of accidents at the roundabout of BA11.

O condutor de uma mota, with 32 year old, fraturou ontem uma perna e foi transportado para o Hospital de Beja na sequência do despiste da mota que conduzia.

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Beja: Car destroyed in the rotunda of BA11, without signaling and light.

Beja: Car destroyed in the rotunda of BA11, without signaling and light.

The lack of vertical and horizontal signage lighting, and even a giant placard indicated the old road straight, made one more accident. The rotunda went into functionally last September.

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Beja: Chamber denies moving the helicopter to the aerodrome Évora.

Beja: Chamber denies moving the helicopter to the aerodrome Évora.

The relocation of the INEM helicopter Aera Base 11, in Beja, for aerodrome Evora continues to generate challenge. The Municipal Aeróromo Beja can be future solution to present to the INEM.

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Beja: Investigated military suicide “bullying” homophobic Air Base 11.

Beja: Investigated military suicide “bullying” homophobic Air Base 11.

The public prosecutor is investigating an alleged case of "bullying" over a homophobic military, of 23 year old, who committed suicide in March this year in the housing of Beja Air Base. Reported The News Journal (JN), in its online edition.

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(Updated) Beja: Air Force officer (DOES) puts an end to life in their homes in the neighborhood Residential.

(Updated) Beja: Air Force officer (DOES) puts an end to life in their homes in the neighborhood Residential.

An Air Force officer, with the rank of Captain, He was found dead this morning in his room situated in the Barrio Residential Air Force, Old quarter German. The body of the officer will be veiled in Ourique and cremated tomorrow (Friday) Elvas.

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