U.F. Salvador and Santa Maria: parish news.
Elected members of the Parish Union were present on the visit to the facilities of the BuganvĂlia Temporary Reception Center.
BaleizĂŁo/Beja: Shot dead over dispute over land to graze sheep.
A man of 54 years died, Wednesday, after being shot by a neighbor in the parish of BaleizĂŁo, in Beja. The origin of the crime was a disagreement over land that both used to graze their livestock..
Local authorities: Presidents of unions with three terms cannot run for separate parishes.
Of the ten parish unions in the Beja district that may disintegrate, there are four whose presidents are serving their third term and cannot re-apply for the presidency of the parishes that will separate.
Beja: “King of Fruit” tried for abuse of tax trust.
A Swiss businessman and the company he manages, based in Beja, will be tried for the crime of abuse of fiscal trust, for undue retention of resources that should have been delivered to the Tax and Customs Authority (AT),
parishes: Acceptance of requests for unbundling approved until the end of 2022. There 10 no Beja district.
The parliamentary committee on Local Power validated an opinion according to which it will only analyze requests for the desegregation of parishes aggregated into 2013 that have been approved by the respective municipal assemblies until 21 December 2022. District of Beja's 10 parishes in a position to be analyzed.