Justice: Three tons of hashish “passed” through the Beja Court in the last decade.
“More than three tons of cannabis have “passed” through this court in the last ten years”, said last Friday at the Beja Court, the Judge President of a Collective of Judges, in the course of reading a ruling that condemned three men, Hair crime of drug trafficking.
Fire department: Solidarity Party raises income for Beja Corporation.
The Outdoor Amphitheater of the Casa da Cultura will receive from 21,00 hours the “Solidarity Party”, the proceeds of which will be donated in full to the Beja Volunteer Firefighters.
Sporting: Return to Portugal this Wednesday afternoon via Beja.
(Update) Sporting will travel this Wednesday afternoon to Portugal. According to the Flightradar24 website, the team's arrival at Beja Airport should take place at 16,48 hours.
Beja: Municipality promotes Education Days 2024: “BEJA EDUCATE – Include, Associate and Learn”.
The Municipality of Beja, in collaboration with the municipality’s education agents, will carry out, on days 23 and 24 October 2024, the Education Days 2024 – BEJA EDUCATE: Include, Associate and Learn.
Carmel of Beja: Closed a year ago, It was emptied last year and is abandoned.
In 27 September 2022, the last two nuns of the Carmelite Order were sent to Seville. One year later, members of the Order from Spain and two laywomen from the Third Order emptied the convent. Now it is abandoned.