Beja: Young man stabbed another young man out of jealousy. He was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison.
Out of jealousy, in November last year, a couple of 23 year old, stabbed his then-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend in the neck, and by decision of a Panel of Judges of the Court of Beja, was sentenced, a legal height, a prison sentence of 6 years and 6 months.
Sporting: Travel to Austria on Monday via Beja airport.
Sporting Clube de Portugal returns to using Beja airport on Monday on its trip to Austria, where they will face Sturm the next day, in Graz, in a Champions League game.
Beja: Preventive detention for the crime of attempted homicide.
The young man arrested today by the Judiciary Police and present in court for the first interrogation was remanded in preventive detention.. He is charged with the crime of attempted murder.
Alentejo: Judge orders judgment 24 for human trafficking in Beja.
If you have 52 Defendants, but there was a separation of procedural processes after appeals filed by the Public Ministry.
U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.
Nursing Office of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) provides services at Escola do Bairro da Conceição and Escola do Pelame, in the month of October.