Emergency state: Measures that come into force at 00 hours Friday.
The ninth State of Emergency will be in effect between midnight on Friday and 11:59 pm 30 January.
Covid-19: Beja with worrisome 434 cases. Cuba with alarming 206.
The municipality of Beja registers 434 active cases of covid-19. In 48 hours were declared more 33 Novos infetados. In Cuba, there are concerns 206 cases. Alvito and Ferreira do Alentejo without fatalities.
Cuba: Outbreak of covid-19 in the home of Santa Casa has 93 infetados.
The Cuban Residential Structure for Elderly People registers 93 active cases, and 67 users and 26 employees of a total of 74 users and 43 officials.
Covid-19: Municipalities at extreme risk have doubled.
There 57 counties registered an incidence rate of accumulated cases of infection by the new coronavirus higher than 960 by 100 thousand, between 23 December and 05 January.
Beja: Firefighters with 6 operational infected by covid-19.
In the Fire Department there are 6 operational conditions infected with covid-19 and 18 in prophylactic isolation. Corporation guarantees aid to populations.