Beja: Students of the Polytechnic Institute in Erasmus mission in Poland.
Miguel Ramos and Rui Guiomar, Tourism Course students, Superior School of Technology and Management (evening) the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, They decided in March last year 2015, candidatar-se a um semestre de estudos Erasmus, in Poland.
IPBeja: Joaquim Gomes, director of the Tour of Portugal, participates today in seminar.
Joaquim Gomes, winner of two laps to Portugal in Bicycle and an Around the Alentejo, among many other evidence, will be today in Beja, to participate in a seminar at the Polytechnic Institute.
Beja: Polytechnic holds conference on "The Role of Media in Contemporary Societies".
The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) promotes the next day 10 December the conference on "The Role of Media in Contemporary Societies", Its main actor journalist Judith de Sousa.
IPBeja: Joaquim Gomes, director of the Tour of Portugal, will participate in a seminar in 14 of December.
Joaquim Gomes, winner of two laps to Portugal in Bicycle and an Around the Alentejo, among many other evidence, will be in Beja, to participate in a seminar at the Polytechnic Institute.
Beja: Professor of the Polytechnic Institute integrates Commission that deserved public praise.
José Alberto Mendes Leal, teachers do Polytechnic Institute Beja (IPBeja) integrates Commission that deserves public praise of Higher Education State Secretary.