Telechronics: smartphones, consumption of news and news in gaming.
We start with the smartphone market with the analysis of the third quarter of 2022, made by Canalys, far from positive.
Telechronics: telecommuting, social networks and… smile.
According to a recent survey conducted by Microsoft, 85% of employers consider that teleworking is not as productive, since the comfort of their homes means that workers can produce less.
Telechronics: forgetfulness, maps and some news on social networks.
Google is launching a tool that makes it easier to remove search results that have user information such as addresses, phone numbers and other personally identifiable information.
Telechronics: fraud, malware and drone deliveries.
In the last seven years, online payment fraud has increased 137%. In this period, just enter 2018 and 2020 this indicator slowed down, for after that shoot to values ​​never seen in previous years.
Telechronics: market, USB, net and fuel saving.
IDC has revised downwards its sales forecasts for this year in the computer and tablet market. The consultant's new estimates indicate that PC sales will fall 12,8%, to 305,3 million units, and tablet sales drop 6,8% to 156,8 million.