Covid-19: There are three counties in the district with a high incidence rate, between 4 and 17 December.

Covid-19: There are three counties in the district with a high incidence rate, between 4 and 17 December.

Mértola, Serpa and Odemira, are the municipalities of the district of Beja, whose incidence rate of accumulated cases of infection by the new coronavirus was higher than 500 cases by 100 thousand. Barrancos is a “zero” municipality.

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Covid-19: Beja municipality with new “explosion” of cases.

Covid-19: Beja municipality with new “explosion” of cases.

Between 11 and 17 December there is 46 new infected in the municipality of Beja. Municipality may move to high risk, which requires compliance with more restrictive circulation. Situation in Vidigueira worsens and in Serpa there is a slight improvement.

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Covid-19: Serpa with more 1 death and Beja more 3 positive.

Covid-19: Serpa with more 1 death and Beja more 3 positive.

The latest data from the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA) reveal that there is one more deadly victim in Serpa and more 3 positive cases in Beja.

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Covid-19: Outbreak in the home of the Mercy of Serpa already totals six dead.

Covid-19: Outbreak in the home of the Mercy of Serpa already totals six dead.

Two elderly people died and another is infected due to the outbreak of covid-19 in the home of Misericórdia de Serpa, rising to six the number of deaths and to 89 the total number of infections.

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Covid-19: Outbreak in the home of Misericórdia de Serpa with four deaths.

Covid-19: Outbreak in the home of Misericórdia de Serpa with four deaths.

The number of fatalities from the covid-19 outbreak in the home of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Serpa, Alentejo, rose to four, with the death of two more users.

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