Moura: Outbreak of covid-19 in the Social Center of Amareleja. There 31 infetados.

An outbreak of covid-19 was detected in the Social Center of Amareleja, There 31 infected between users and employees. In total the Center has 104 people, between the two categories.

Following a test, an outbreak of covid-19 was detected at the Amareleja Social Center (CSA), where there is to register 31 cases of infection, 20 users and 11 officials.

The institution has 54 users and 50 employees and beyond the home, has day center and home support service.

According to the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Moura (SMPCM), the tests were carried out last Friday to users and employees of that Residential Structure for the Elderly (ERPI) “Resulted 31 positive cases, the outbreak encompasses 20 users and 11 infected employees â€, having added that “22 tests had an inconclusive result and will be the target of a new collection of biological materialâ€, justified.

The Municipality of Moura, via Civil Protection Service, together with the Public Health Authority, “Has already activated a set of measures to contain the outbreak at that institutionâ€.

In a statement the autarchy chaired by the socialist Ãlvaro Azedo, informed that “massive testing will be carried out in Moura and Amareleja, entirely assumed by the Municipality and carried out by Centro ABC-Algarveâ€.

In the same document and, reporting covid-19 pandemic data for yesterday, there was log 10 new cases in the county, and 1 in Moura and 9 in Amareleja, this has nothing to do with those detected today at the Social Center. Overall, the county had 68 active cases, to which the 31 cases today counties in the CSA, wherein 40 were based in the city of Moura, 23 in Amareleja, 3 em Safara, 1 in Sobral da Adiça and 1 in Póvoa de São Miguel.

Visits to IPSS users remain suspended

After the usual weekly meeting with the municipality's IPSS, held this Sunday, it was decided to maintain the suspension of visits to users of these institutions, for a week. This preventive measure, results from the analysis of the evolution of the number of cases of infection with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Alentejo region and in particular in the municipality of Moura.

After this suspension period, a new assessment of the epidemiological situation will be carried out, in order to adopt the measures that are considered most appropriate with regard to the resumption of the usual visits to users of IPSS.

Teixeira Correia


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