Odemira: Sexagenarian dies in car crash.

A man of 60 years died, Friday, following a car crash that took place near the Santa Clara dam, in Odemira, revealed Civil Protection and INEM.

Source of Relief Operations District Command (CDOS) de Beja told Lusa that the accident, for which warning was given around 10 hours, took place on a dirt road in the Moimentos area, near the dam.

Contacted by Lusa, a source from the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) specified that the fatal victim of the accident is a man with about 60 years and that the car went off the rails and fell into a ravine.

Relief operations mobilized the firefighters of Ourique, INEM and GNR, a total of 16 operational, supported by five vehicles, including the Immediate Life Support ambulance (SIV) Castro Verde, and a helicopter from Faro.

News: Lidador Notícias/ Jornal de Notícias

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