Vidigueira: Municipality delivers co-payment in medicines.

The Vidigueira City Council started the home delivery of financial assistance in the purchase of medicines, for the year 2019.

As part of its strategy to combat social inequalities, supporting the elderly in the county with low incomes and heavy burden of health costs. The measure covering 478 beneficiaries (next to 42 thousand euros investment).

Due to the current context of pandemic caused by covid-19 and the need to comply with the rules and guidelines issued by health entities, the municipality needed to readjust some initiatives and programs aimed at the senior population of the municipality, considered a risk group and, so even, with greater need to protect from the contagion of this disease, with the hope that we can quickly return to normal social life.

in this sense, the usual celebration of the elderly month was not possible, with lunch and a walk to the Sanctuary of Fátima, and the resumption of the activities of the Senior University.

To continue to ensure proximity contact and assistance to the older population, who may be in a situation of greater vulnerability, without providing certain types of services, the City Council continues to implement the “Somos Cá por Si” project!, through the Social Action Service, Municipal Health and Housing (tel. 284 437 400), in collaboration with the parish councils of the municipality.

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